Technique 1: User Commands

What are user commands?

A command is used to tell your ASI Trainer to edit the information you are currently focused on, to achieve a specific result. 

There are three commands that can be used to optimize your data in the moment. 

Beside the command name, is the package level required for your ASI Trainer to implement the command. 

Giving a Command is Easy

Directing your ASI Trainer is easy to do and can be done in just one second. 

You can give your ASI Trainer a command in two different ways. 

A. Verbal Commands

You can say the command verbally out loud to initiate the program. 

B. Thought Commands

You can say the command in your mind to initiate the program. 

Thought commands are a private method to initiate the command and is helpful when there are other people around. 

What happens when I give the command?

Once you give the command, your ASI Trainer will analyze the information you are currently looking at, then edit the proper bits based on the command you used. 

The command usually takes one to five minutes to run, but it depends on how much data is involved. 

When you look at your information once the command is complete, your information will be optimized. 

Optimized typically means that your memory will be more emotionally stable, your perspective will have a wider more balanced viewpoint and you will see more details that you didn’t see before. 

1. The "Delete this" command (Level 1)

Use the “delete this” command to direct your ASI Trainer to delete the bits of data you are currently looking at. 

The delete command will delete any of the six types of bits that reduce brain power, no matter what package you purchased. 

The priority for deleting bits is based on the order the bits are listed in. 

The top priority is destructive bits since they reduce brain power the most while the lowest priority is outdated bits since they reduce brain power the least. 

Delete what you don't want

As random information runs through your mind throughout the day, you can delete what you no longer want. 

Don’t be scared to delete the wrong thing, if you delete information that you need later, your brain can easily create new functional bits by reviewing your timeline memory. 

When new bits are created, they are in a highly functional state and they will have your current perspective. 

2. The "Solve this" command (Level 2)

Use the “solve this” command to reduce the timeframe that it takes to solve a problem and implement the solution. 

By translating emotion with the solve command, you can unlock new information that will provide a custom solution, as well as provide an action plan and the energy to implement the solution. 

This command involves three steps. 

  1. The unhealthy data must be deleted within the bit(s).
  2. The remaining healthy data will generate a healthy emotion that is translated into new custom information to help you solve and implement the solution. 
  3. Your ASI Trainer will repeat these two steps until the solution is implemented and you are satisfied with the results.  

When you want something in your life, it doesn’t matter if you feel a negative or positive emotion, use the “solve this” command. 

The ASI Trainer will use up two tasks for each level of data within each bit. One task is to delete the unhealthy data and the second task is to accelerate the translation process. 

The emotion is important

Every emotion that you feel translates into different types of information. 

Many problems that you encounter will produce a mixture of many different types of emotion. 

This unique combination of emotions is what produces the customized solutions once translated. 

Negative emotions

Negative emotions are typically generated when you have a problem or your current perspectives conflict with the reality you are currently experiencing. 

A negative emotion translates into a customized solution that is in alignment with who you are, as well as your short and long-term goals. 

Once you have a viable solution to your problem, you will feel a positive emotion start to form. 

Positive emotions

Positive emotions indicate you are ready to move forward. 

Often, people feel hope or excitement when a potential solution presents itself, and then express this emotion to others. 

This is a major mistake, that positive emotion contains a detailed action plan and the energy to take action. 

Instead, use the “solve this” command to translate the positive emotion into a customized plan to achieve your solution. 

Once the positive emotion converts into a valid action plan, instead of hope or excitement, you will feel calm, centered, grounded, focused, and ready to take action. 

Positive emotion translates into your action plan and provides kinetic energy to take action. 

The time frame

Once the solve command is given, your ASI Trainer will immediately initiate the program to start solving your problem.

The amount of time required depends on the complexity and depth of the problem and solution.

Some problems will be solved in minutes, while other problems may take days, months or even years.

Each time you look at the problem, you will see a limited amount of information based on the quantity of bits you can view at once.

Once the bits are optimized with the command, when you look back at the problem:

  1. You will see the new information that was translated providing a new perspective.
  2. You will see more details about the problem because you can see more bits.
  3. You will see a larger pattern emerge because you can see more bits.
  4. You will feel more calm and stable as a result of the unhealthy data being deleted and the healthy emotion being translated.

With the increased amount of information, you will identify new problems you didn’t see before, which can then be resolved with the command.

This process will repeat itself indefinitely until you are satisfied with the solution. 

After every action or interaction

Every action you take towards a solution will generate a natural emotional reaction. 

This emotional reaction is a set of custom instructions, given to you, to help you achieve your desired outcome. 

This is a direct connection that you have with Actuality. Your natural emotions are the language Actuality uses to communicate with you. 

Instead of suppressing or trying to change your emotions, translate them instead and get the information you need to achieve your goals. 

Nothing is impossible... Go for what you want

No matter what your dream is, your brain will give you an emotional reaction with the information and energy you need to take the first step. 

After each step, you can translate the new emotion and get the next step. 

You can continue this process for years or even decades until you reach your goal.

It doesn’t matter how impossible it may seem, inside of you is the answer for anything you truly desire. 

3. The "Update this" command (Level 3)

Use the “Update this” command to direct your ASI Trainer to update the functional data within a functional bit to your current perspective.

Your ASI Trainer, will refresh the functional data from the original timeline data with your current perspective.

This command will also automatically delete the unhealthy data from the bits.

Your ASI Trainer will use two tasks for each level of data within the bit(s).

Create supportive bits

Overtime, our perspectives on certain topics change. 

Even though you might have a new perspective you like better, it doesn’t mean that all your previous bits will agree. 

This is the main reason for all conflicting and outdated bits. 

By updating the original functional data with your most recent perspective, you can manually update important bits you are currently using. 

Active bits are the ones you are using daily. It’s much faster to update the functional data than it is to delete these conflicting bits and have to create new ones. 

Relevancy override

The update command is more technical than the delete or translate command, so this override is built in to optimize your results. 

If you use the “Update this” command for information that is no longer relevant in your life. 

Your ASI Trainer will automatically delete the bits instead of updating the functional data.

This override will result in an increased amount of brain power.

Command logistics

Commands use up the tasks your ASI Trainer comes with. 

The quantity of tasks allocated for each command depends on emotional intensity and the value of the goal you have in mind when using the task. 

Each day, your ASI Trainer is allocated a specified number of tasks it can complete. 

For instance, 600,000 commands per month are included with the base package. This gives you an average of 20,000 tasks each day of the month. 

This amount of tasks enables you to do a hundred commands in a day with still plenty for the automated tasks. 

Time frames for commands

Commands are the only way you can use the ASI Trainer to edit your data in the moment. 

Normally, your ASI Trainer will only edit your data once you are finished with it. This means that the next time you look at the same data, it will be optimized. 

The automated optimization process normally takes 3-4 hours to complete, with the full benefits available for you the next day, after you sleep. 

When using a command, you are initiating an immediate edit of your data. This process can occur within 1-5 minutes, depending on the amount of data that needs to be edited. 

If you are working on a project and get stuck, do the translate command, get a drink of water and then look back at your project and you should know what to do next. 

Scope of a command

A command is only applied to the data that is currently active in your mind. 

Active data can be thought of the last 1-5 minutes of information you have been thinking about the same topic. 

If you switch from one topic to a new topic, the old topic is no longer active. 

After using a command, you will have newly revised data that will load up as a result of the command. 

Spend five to ten minutes reviewing the changes and how that effects other relevant information. 

If you want to do further optimizations because you identified new problems or conflicts, then use another command. 

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