Learn How I Edit Memory

Editing Memory is the Key

Understanding how to edit memory is the key to restoring the health and functionality of the body. 

Your memory contains all of the information you have acquired throughout your entire life. 

The ability to automate the editing of memory is crucial for reversing aging and unlocking new brain functionality. 

A new model for memory

This page is the culmination of 28 years of research, you won’t find the following information anywhere else in the world. 

On this page, you will learn a new model that explains the software for how memory is managed by your brain. 

Once you finish this page, you are going to understand memory, health and your life on a whole new level. 

What are Data Networks?

A data network is a powerful organization system your brain uses to manage all the of the data you have acquired. 

Your brain has created millions of unique data networks throughout your life. 

Data networks are like folders that store all the relevant information associated with one thing. 

Your brain will create a unique data network to store information for each thing (noun) or for each action (verb). 

Nouns & Verbs

Your brain will create a unique data network for every person you have met throughout your life. 

You also have a unique data network for your home, vehicle, and each pet. 

Every object you have ever interacted with has a unique data network stored in your memory. 

Your brain will create unique data networks for every action you take, such as walking, showering, and driving a vehicle. 

A data network is created for each job you have held, as well as additional data networks for all of the individual tasks you were required to do at your job. 

Bits of Memory

The purpose of a data network is to create and organize bits of data that make up your memory. 

A bit is defined as the standard unit of memory, used by your brain to store your information. 

Each individual bit stores information, as well as the energy to use the information. 

The energy within a bit, is Brain Power

The health of a data network

Brain power determines the health and functionality of each data network.  

We can classify the health of a data network into three different states: functional, dysfunctional, and destructive. 

  • High brain power = Functional
  • Low brain power = Dysfunctional
  • Negative brain power = Destructive

Each state will determine how the data network makes you feel when you focus on it. 

The functionality of a data network is also determined by its state. 

Functional data network

Data networks are used to create and organize the bits of data that make up your memory. 

A functional data network can create new bits, and keep your bits organized properly.  

A functional data network feels great when you focus on it. 

With an ample amount of brain power, it’s easy to use the information, you can learn with minimal effort, and new problems you discover feel like fun challenges to solve. 

The reason a functional data network feels this way is because it can create new bits to store more memory. 

I often refer to a functional data network as being in a “creator state” of mind.

Dysfunctional data network

A dysfunctional data network cannot create new bits, however, it will keep your bits organized.

The low quantity of brain power available is required to maintain the boundaries of the data network, ensuring your bits stay organized. 

This means that little to no brain power is available to use the information within the data network. 

As a result, when you focus on the data network, it doesn’t feel good and taking action is difficult.

A dysfunctional data network triggers your brain to go into escape mode, as a method to prevent further damage. 

You will learn more about escape mode on the Brain Power page.  

From fun to fighting

I often use the term “Full”, when describing a dysfunctional data network. 

Your data network just ran out of space and now there is no more room for new data to be stored. 

The “vibe” of a data network switches from fun to serious when it shifts from functional to a dysfunctional state. 

When the dysfunctional data network involves another person, both people try to control and manipulate each other into doing things, since there is no brain power available. 

Destructive data network

A destructive data network cannot create new bits, nor is it capable of keeping your bits organized.

When the amount of brain power within a data network goes into the negative, it becomes destructive.

A destructive data network will merge with other data networks in order to gain additional brain power. 

Merging will cause the other data networks to drop in health as well, since they will provide brain power to the destructive one. 

Even worse, bits from the merged data networks will mix together, becoming highly unorganized. 

A destructive state of mind

Anxiety, emotional blowouts and mental health issues are normal when inside of a destructive data network.

When multiple destructive data networks merge and exchange bits, this results in feeling confused, lost and disconnected from that part of your life.

Destructive data networks associated with a lover/spouse, can make your sense of touch feel cold and disconnected, making you question if you still love the person. 

If you try to take actions that create functional bits within a destructive data network, it becomes highly pressurized, requiring an emotional blowout to relieve the pressure.

Destroying your life

On the brain power page, you learned about the third method for escape mode, which involves destroying parts of your life. 

By ending a job, your relationship or severing friendships, you reduce the number of destructive data networks that are active. 

Destructive data networks lead to burnout, depression and more severe mental health disorders. 

Identifying destructive data networks

You can see when your data network is destructive by the way you interact with others. 

Wrong person

You avoid talking about an issue you have with the person involved.

Instead, you will talk about the problem with other people that you shouldn’t. 

When you have a problem with an employee, you will talk to your spouse about it. 

When you have an issue with your spouse, you will talk about it with your friends.  

Can't stay on topic

Destructive data networks inhibit your ability to stay focused on one thing. 

If a person brings up a problem with one thing, you will respond by bringing up another problem about a different thing. 

It’s impossible to look at just a single problem and stay focused on it. 

Can't take responsibility

Destructive data networks prevent you from taking responsibility. 

If you are called out on a mistake you made, you won’t be able to accept responsibility. 

You will react and come up with any and every possible excuse for what happened. 

This is a direct result of the data network not producing new bits. 

Only know what you don't want

A destructive network is constantly trying to stabilize by removing bits and pressure. 

Adding new bits is simply not an option. 

Therefore, if someone asks you what you want, you will tell them what you don’t want.

If they press you for what you want, you will get angry, because you don’t know what you want. 

The destructive data network can’t take anything else in, therefore, it wants nothing. 

Stupid mistakes

It’s easy to make stupid mistakes because your data is no longer in the appropriate networks.

Even worse, when you need to look at the data involved in a single project, you might have to look in a bunch of unrelated data networks to access the data lost from the spillover. 

This drastically increases your level of stress and pressure, causes emotional blowouts, and accelerates damage done to your bits. 

Restoring the health of a data network

Increasing brain power is the only way to restore a data network back to a healthy functional state. 

To understand how to increase brain power within a data network, we need to delve deeper into what bits are and how they work. 

A Bit for Everything

The basic unit of memory, a bit.

What is a bit?

A bit is the basic unit your brain uses to store new memory. 

A bit consists of two parts:

  1. Data
  2. Energy to use the data. 

This energy is what I mean when I refer to “Brain Power“. 

What is data?

Data is a general term that references all of the different types of information your brain stores within a bit.

Data can be organized into two categories, healthy and unhealthy. 

The difference between healthy and unhealthy data is the source and energy associated with the data. 

Healthy data

Your body is the source of healthy data. 

Healthy data includes energy to store and use the data.

As a result, healthy data raises your brain power, enabling you to take action with the information.  

Unhealthy data

Unhealthy data comes from external sources. 

Since your body is not the source, unhealthy data does not include the energy to store or use the data. 

When unhealthy data is added to a bit, the unhealthy data depletes the energy from the healthy data, reducing brain power and your ability to take action. 

Brain power controls how you feel about everyone and everything in your life.

What is brain power?

Brain power is the term I use to define the amount of energy available, within all of the bits associated with a single thing. 

A thing can be a single person, place, object, task, action, or goal.

A thing can also be a complex project that involves many people and steps to reach a large goal. 

When you focus on a thing, your brain gives you emotional feedback to let you know how much brain power is available.

For instance...

If you think of a task, and your natural reaction is to smile and get excited about doing it, you have an ample amount of energy within the bits involved… so you have sufficient brain power. 

If you think about a task, and you immediately want to avoid it, that means the bits involved with the task have no energy available… so you don’t have enough brain power. 

Brain power and your mood

The available brain power for each thing you do will affect your mood as you do it. 

Your ability to do the task effectively will also be influenced by how much brain power you have. 

If you have to do something and you have an abundance of brain power, no matter what it is, you will figure how to do it, and make it happen.

Having fun solving a problem or doing the task is normal when you have enough brain power. 

However, if you have to do something and you have no brain power available, it’s not going to feel good. 

Brain power is the source of energy for productivity and physical performance.

Let's dive deeper into the mechanics of a bit.

The five types of information.

There are five types of information stored within a single bit. 

Only one type of information is healthy, the remaining four types are unhealthy. 

Red: Functional data (Healthy)
Orange: Data from others
Yellow: Chemistry based data
Green: Electromagnetic energy
Blue: Pressure

When you are doing something new, your brain will create a functional healthy bit that looks like this illustration.

The bit has a high quantity of functional data at the center, wrapped by the four types of unhealthy data.

Let's dig into the details of these five types of information.
A color coded illustration of a functional bit.

Healthy Data

Sources of functional data (Healthy)

All healthy data strengthens the bond you have with your body, increases intelligence, and boosts brain power to take action towards your goals.

Hands-on experience

There is no greater teacher in life than experience.

Seriously, there is a huge difference between actually doing something, compared to reading about it or watching it on TV. 

Experience is the key to attaining healthy functional data. 

Skill development

Developing new skillsets increases your functional data, and raises your brain power to help you achieve your goals. 

Skills offer an endless number of ways to increase your functional data, creating new healthy functional bits. 

Skillsets increase your personal value, raising self-esteem and confidence in yourself. 

Fitness and Sports

The more physically active you are, the more healthy data you will have available to provide energy to take additional actions.

Exercise is the single most powerful method to reduce the negative affects of burnout. 

Exploring life through experience, emotionally connects your consciousness to your body, resulting in healthy data that makes you feel good.

Unhealthy Data

The four unhealthy sources of data

Unhealthy data weakens the bond you have with your body, reduces brain power, inhibits your ability to take action, and negatively impacts your mental and physical health.

Information from Others

This includes verbal and non-verbal information you acquire from interacting with the following:

  • People
  • News
  • Books
  • TV & Movies
  • Social Media
  • Internet
  • Video games

Have you ever had a great idea you wanted to do, and you were so excited about it? 

So you decided to tell a couple friends, and then ended up telling your parents as well. 

You listened to their input, not realizing it was unhealthy information. 

Later on, when you wanted to take action, you would have noticed that you didn’t have the same energy you initially had.  

Without the energy, you lost your connection and passion for the idea.  

This is the result of unhealthy information depleting the energy from the bits that contained your initial idea. 

Chemistry based data

Any chemical compounds you eat, drink or rub on your body, produce unhealthy information. 

  • Meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts and grains
  • Stimulants: Sugar, Caffeine
  • Alcohol & Drugs
  • Herbal Supplements
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Hormone Therapies
  • Pesticides, herbicides / Poisons

All chemistry produces a chemical-emotional reaction in the brain, affecting how you feel. 

This emotion influences your mood. 

Your mood will modify your perspective when you look at the information in your mind. 

This data is recorded and is considered unhealthy because it’s an altered perspective produced from an external source, chemistry. 

Continuously eating the chemical compounds will amplify the distortion over longer periods of time. 

Electromagnetic energy

Electromagnetic energy within your environment will produce unhealthy information in your memory. The following list includes the sources for electromagnetic energy:

  • The sun
  • Indoor lighting
  • Wifi
  • Cell phone and cell towers
  • Radio waves
  • Satellite signals
  • X-rays
  • Nuclear Radiation in both the air and water

Electromagnetic energy increases the potential of your data when you look at it, negatively influencing your information in the following ways.

  • Creates unrealistic expectations for yourself, others and the world.
  • Disassociates you from your current reality. 
  • Cannot stay present because you are looking at goals too far ahead.
  • Uncontrollable standards means your mind will find fault with everything you look at. 
  • Unable to be satisfied with what you have, job, relationship, vehicle, house, etc…
  • Lose the ability to enjoy the simpler things in life.


There are six types of pressure that will increase unhealthy information within your bits.   

  1. Pressure created from you by creating goals and timelines. 
  2. Pressure created from personal, professional and societal expectations and responsibilities.
  3. Financial pressure, both personal and societal such as paying bills, taxes and inflation. 
  4. Pressure from acceleration due to chemical stimulants, exercise, extreme sports and orgasms. 
  5. Pressure from sound, touch, massage, impact, and gravity. 
  6. Pressure is also created from too many conflicts within the information stored in your memory. 

Pressure is unique, since pressure is not localized in a single area of your life, nor is it contained within a single person. 

Pressure from your business can affect your personal life and vice versa. 

Pressure can be transferred through a person’s voice, face expression, body language and through touch. 

Pressure is automatically absorbed by a low pressure person from a highly pressurized person. 

Pressure can be amplified between two highly pressured people, causing an emotional explosion to occur. 

Pressure is considered unhealthy because of the negative effect it has on your state of mind, altering your perspective. 

The modified perspective and intense emotions from pressure are both written into your bits.

*CEO's have extreme levels of pressure due to their level of responsibility, unintentionally passing this on to their employees, spouse and children.

Now you understand what unhealthy data is!

Your environment and current way of life is saturated with unhealthy data. 

Since your environment is toxic, no matter what you do, this unhealthy data is depleting brain power. 

This next section will help you understand the mechanism for how this unhealthy data gradually destroys everything in your life. 

You are about to learn just how destructive unhealthy data can be.

Why Do All Good Things Come to an End?

From healthy to unhealthy, it's inevitable.

Reading and writing data into bits

When you do a task, your brain acquires the information you need from the bits associated with the task.

When your brain reads the data, it also writes new data into the bits.

Functional data (Healthy)

If you learn new information while doing the task, your brain writes new functional data into the bit. 

If you have already learned what’s needed, and you are doing a repeat task, then only a tiny amount of new functional data is written. 

Unhealthy data

Every time you look at a bit of information, your brain is also writing in unhealthy data from your environment.

Over time, the bit converts from a stable to an unstable state, as the unhealthy data inevitably increases. 

Everything important decays

The important bits in your life are used almost every single day. 

The more often you look at your bits, the faster unhealthy data accumulates. 

This is why the energy (brain power), for every aspect of your life decays over time. 

A relationship example

Every relationship starts out amazing, but no matter what, gradually over time, the energy fades. 

The invigorating conversations turn into repetitive questions and answers about each other’s day. 

The excitement and adventure of building a life together turns into netflix and staring at your phones when you go out for dinner.   

This is what unhealthy data does to every area of your life, but it doesn't have to be this way.
Color coded illustration of a functional bit shifting from a stable into an unstable state as more unhealthy data accumulates.

The life cycle of a bit

As you probably have realized, a bit of memory for your brain, is not the same as a bit for a computer. 

The bits used for your memory, have a life cycle consisting of three stages; functional, dysfunctional and destructive. 

Stage 1: Functional Bits

Functional bits are considered the only type of healthy bit. 

This is because the bits have energy available for you to use the information. 

These self-empowered bits are independent and make you feel like you can do anything. 

A color coded illustration of a functional bit.

Stage 2: Dysfunctional Bits

A dysfunctional bit is considered permanently damaged. 

Dysfunctional bits have a value of zero for available energy / brain power. 

Although you can read the data, you cannot use the data without providing an external source of energy. 

These disempowered bits require co-dependence on other people and chemical addictions to provide the necessary energy. 

A color coded illustration of a dysfunctional bit.
Dysfunctional Data is purple.

Stage 3: Destructive Bits

A destructive bit is also considered permanently damaged. 

Destructive bits have a negative value for energy / brain power. 

This means they automatically reduce brain power produced by functional bits.

Destructive bits operate as a separate unit of consciousness that will automatically resist anything you want to do.

Destructive bits are the source of every mental health issue. 

A color coded illustration of a destructive bit.

The internal environment of a functional bit.

Bits are pressurized

Bits have an internal pressure system that can dramatically influence your state of mind when focusing on them. 

Healthy pressure from the core

The pressure from the functional data pushes outward from the core.

This outward pressure generates the feeling of being self empowered and believing that you can overcome the odds. 

Unhealthy pressure from outside

The unhealthy data from external sources pushes inward towards the core. 

As the quantity of unhealthy data increases, so does the pressure. 

When the external pressure becomes too great, you start feeling overwhelmed. 

Color coded illustration of a stable functional bit and an unstable functional bit.
The arrows on the corners indicate the increase in pressure as unhealthy data accumulates.

Converting from a functional bit to a dysfunctional bit.

The collapse is emotional

Once the amount of external pressure exceeds the internal pressure from the core, the functional bit collapses. 

When the collapse occurs, the energy associated with functional data releases as an emotional discharge.

During the collapse, the functional and unhealthy data fuse together, producing dysfunctional data.

This bit is now considered permanently damaged because it will never return to a functional state.

Dysfunctional data is shown as purple in the illustration.

Anxiety wrapped in a dysfunctional bit

You can look at the data in a dysfunctional bit, but you can’t use it. 

It’s important to note that dysfunctional data is always distorted, which causes that cloudy sensation when you struggle to focus. 

When you try to use the dysfunctional bit, you feel frustration and anxiety. 

Color coded illustration of an unstable functional bit collapsing into a dysfunctional bit.

Insane Brain Damage

"Every emotional blowout you have experienced throughout your life, indicates permanent brain damage has occurred as a result of too much unhealthy data."

The evolution of a dysfunctional bit

It only gets worse from here

It is no longer possible to write healthy data into a dysfunctional bit.

However, every time you look at the dysfunctional bit, your brain will write additional unhealthy data into it.

Once a bit is dysfunctional, it is best to leave it alone. 

The big question of course, is how do you do this?

Forcing the dysfunctional bit to function

When a person tries to force their brain to use dysfunctional bits, they require an external source of energy, such as caffeine, nootropics, micro-dosing or pharmaceuticals. 

This is also the point when a person will hire a coach or therapist to try and fix the issue for why they can no longer function. 

All of these approaches will cause additional unhealthy data to be written into the dysfunctional bits.

Color coded illustration of a dysfunctional bit converting from stable to unstable by increasing unhealthy data.

Escaping the Pressure

Dysfunctional data pulls outward

The internal pressure for a dysfunctional bit is not the same as the functional bit.

Dysfunctional data is located on the outside of the bit, while the unhealthy data is located on the inside.

The dysfunctional data’s pressure pulls outward on the bit.

When looking at the bit, this type of pressure creates the desire to escape, causing your brain to go into escape mode. 

The escape intensifies

As additional unhealthy data is written inside the bit, the pressure focused inward increases. 

The inwards pressure makes you feel like your life is going to collapse. 

In order to keep the bit from collapsing, you need more energy pulling outwards.

This is usually done by ramping up your dose of stimulants such as caffeine, sugar & carbs. 

When these are not enough, adderall, micro-dosing, pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements and nootropics are often tried. 

Eventually you reach the maximum pressure and the dysfunctional bit will collapse. 

Color coded illustration of pressure of a stable and unstable dysfunctional bit.

From dysfunctional to destructive

The second collapse

You can only increase the amount of unhealthy data in a dysfunctional bit so much, until it collapses a second time. 

As with the first collapse, the second collapse also releases a lot of energy. 

The second collapse can involve a panic attack or possibly violent form of emotion. 

After this collapse, the bit moves into its final destructive state. 

The objective is pure chaos and destruction

The destructive bit is a separate unit of consciousness that is no longer under the control of your brain.

In order to be a separate unit of consciousness, the bit will automatically want the opposite of everything you want. 

If you want left, it wants right. If you change your mind and want right, it will immediately want left. 

The destructive bit can be classified as pure resistance to anything you want.

Destructive bits have a negative effect on brain power.  

They want to grow...

Destructive bits cannot accumulate additional unhealthy data. 

Instead, they merge together with other destructive bits, becoming more intelligent and even more destructive.

They try to influence your mind, to destroy your life and cause chaos, so you create more destructive bits.

They evolve...

Destructive bits initially express themselves as conflicting thoughts. 

As they merge, their influence and power grows, becoming separate voices in your head that cause endless torment. 

Destructive bits are the source of every major mental health disorder. 

Color coded illustration of an unstable dysfunctional bit that collapsed into a destructive bit.
As destructive bits merge, they grow in size and influence.

You now understand the life cycle of a bit!

As you can see, there is a lot to understand about bits and how your brain uses them to store memory. 

I hope as you read this section, you were able to gain a better understanding of the process you went through during the most difficult times in your life. 

Tough to watch, even tougher to go through.

I personally become sad when I watch the life cycle of a bit play out in real life.  

The most important people and things in our life, are the bits we focus on the most. 

As a result of this focus, the unhealthy data accumulates faster, destroying the connection with whom and what we love. 

The more I learned, the more I realized the game is rigged.

Since you understand the basics for the life cycle of a bit, you can see what I consider to be the biggest problem with how our brain processes data. 

No matter what you initially love in life, it’s only a matter of time before the accumulation of unhealthy data separates you from it.

There is only one viable solution.

The software the human brain uses to process data, needs to be upgraded. 

The only way this is possible, is using consciousness software. 

Tiers of Intelligence

Advanced: The tiers of data within a bit

Everything you have learned previously on this page explains what data is and how a bit stores data.

This is just the first tier of data involved when you look at a single bit.

When you look at more bits than just one, you can access higher tiers of data.

Understanding how tiers of data work in a bit, is the key to unlocking superhuman intelligence with consciousness software. 

The five tiers

The four additional tiers of data within a bit are essentially the same as the first tier you have already learned about.

Tier 1 – A single bit: Tier one data is the information involved within a single bit. You just learned what this data is, as well as the life cycle of a bit.

Tier 2 – Bit clusters: Tier two data is the information you become aware of when you look at multiple bits (bit clusters) at the same time.

Tier 3 – Data networks: Tier three data is the information you become aware of when you look at multiple bit clusters within a data network, at the same time.

Tier 4 – Collaborative networks: Tier four data is the information you become aware of when you look a multiple data networks at the same time.

Level 5 – Singularity: Tier five data is the information you become aware of when you look at multiple collaborative networks at the same time. This is who you are as a whole being.

The tiers of data are connected to your consciousness

When we are talking about bits, we can swap the word “data” for “consciousness”, and vice versa.

Your level of consciousness for any topic can be calculated by the number of bits and the tiers of data within those bits.

By optimizing the data stored within your memory, it’s possible to increase the number of tiers within a bit, as well as increase the number of bits you can view at once.

This is a process required to achieve superhuman intelligence.

Reading and writing tiers of data

In order for your brain to read and write tiers 2, 3, 4, and 5 data into a bit, you must be conscious of the data.

Your consciousness is limited based on the number of bits you can view at once, and your ability to access higher tiers of data.

Tier 2: The human standard

Tier two data is the standard level of consciousness for the average person.

This is because you automatically look at multiple bits of data associated with each thing in your life.

All of your bits are guaranteed to have a minimum of two tiers of data.

Tier two data is often associated with the wide spectrum of opposites, such as liking or disliking the thing that you are focused on.

Tier 3: The skilled worker

Tier three data is associated with a large scope and understanding of the complex details involving a single subject or skill.

For example, a skilled worker or consultant can assess a unique situation and create a custom solution out of a variety of options.

There is a systematic organization of data for tier three.

It’s not about liking or disliking, it’s about which data is most relevant for the unique problem, the desired outcome, and the skill required to complete the task.

Tier 4: The CEO Standard

CEOs work with larger amounts of data on a diverse range of topics to build and operate their business.

Tier four data is typically only written into bits if you are in charge of a complex project, such as building and operating your own business.

Coherence in the business becomes an obsession for the CEO, since the conflicts within the data cause immense stress and pressure, accelerating the speed that bits become damaged.

The higher the tier, the more intense the damage

Bits that store higher tiers of data produce higher energy destructive bits when they collapse.

These high-energy destructive bits produce the intense and severe burnout effects that CEOs experience.

Tier 2 Data: Bit Clusters

What is a bit cluster?

Bits that have the same purpose are organized together as bit clusters.

Within a single cluster, you can have functional, dysfunctional and destructive bits.

Bit clusters are primarily activated through the food you eat, emotional reactions, the actions you take, and the people you interact with.

The "cluster" data in a bit.

When looking at a bit cluster, you can see new data that wasn’t active when looking at an individual bit.

You can see the connections and conflicts with the data that is shared between multiple bits.

You can think of “cluster” data as a second level of consciousness that only exists when you look at multiple bits at the same time.

Tiers of data within a bit

The first and second tiers of data are stored within each bit.

However, tier two cluster data only activates when looking at a cluster.

Just like a single bit, every time you look at a cluster, your brain will write healthy and unhealthy data into all the bits active within the cluster.

Illustration of a functional bit with only tier one data active.

Then showing the second tier of "cluster" data that activates when looking at a bit cluster.

Cluster size regulates intelligence

If the size of the bit cluster increases, this enables you to see more connections and new conflicts within your information.

However, if the size of the cluster decreases due to unhealthy data, you will lose access to previous connections you made.

Emotional instability limits intelligence

Let’s say the functional bit cluster you are focused on, is made up of 1,000 bits in total.

All of the data involving the individual bits, as well as the tie two cluster data, generates an emotional output.

The quantity of bits within this cluster that you can access at one time, is limited by the emotional stability of the cluster.

For instance, out of the 1,000 available bits in the cluster, you might only be able to view a maximum of 70-80 bits at one time, because of the emotional instability.

This is an important key for achieving superhuman intelligence.

Remember, your current level of intelligence, is determined by the number of bits you can view at one time.

Making emotionally bad decisions

The emotion generated from the bits within the cluster determines the maximum amount of bits that you can view at once.

Emotional stability = Higher number of bits

Emotional instability = Lower number of bits

When you are highly emotional, the amount of bits you can access within the cluster shrinks.

This results in making bad decisions because you lose access to the full scope of your information.

Later on, once you have calmed down, you wonder how you could have made such an irrational decision.

By stabilizing your emotional state, you can access a larger quantity of bits within a cluster.

Bit clusters divide based on conflicting data

A big cluster can divide into two or more clusters as a result of conflicting information.

Each of the separated clusters will produce a unique emotion with the data that supports that emotion.

Angry bits, sad bits, confused bits, passionate bits, excited bits, confident bits, etc… all naturally arrange themselves into separate bit clusters.

This is how you can have so many different and even conflicting perspectives about just one topic.

A quick university example

Have you ever been excited and sad about the same thing at the same time?

For instance, pretend you just got accepted into the university you wanted to go to.

You’re excited to go, and at the same time, you feel sad about leaving your family behind.

This data is organized as two separate bit clusters, because the data within them is conflicting, producing two different types of emotion.

Tier 3 Data: Data Networks

Data networks are a vital system for memory

A data network is responsible for creating new bits and organizing them into bit clusters.

A single data network can store hundreds of unique bit clusters associated with just one thing.

Three tiers of data within a bit

The first, second, and third tiers of data are stored within each bit.

However, the tier three data only activates when looking at more than one bit cluster at a time.

Generating tier three data

New tier three data is generated when looking at multiple bit clusters at the same time.

When looking at multiple bit clusters, you will see new connections as well as conflicts between the information. 

This new information is recorded into all of the bits that are active within each cluster, as tier three data.

Not a typical experience

Looking at an entire data network at once, which can consist of ten’s to hundreds of bit clusters, is an extremely rare occurrence. (This typically only occurs when using high energy stimulants.) 

It takes a massive amount of energy to be able to see that much conflicting data at one time.

Even looking at two or three bit clusters at one time is not a typical experience, unless you are a scientist or entrepreneur who is constantly solving complex problems.

The amount of energy it takes to activate several bit clusters at one time, can quickly lead to burnout.

Illustration showing tiers one, two, and three activated within a bit.

Let's go back to the university example

To help you understand bits, clusters and a data network better, I will expand on the earlier university example.

Creating the data network, new bits and bit clusters

When you were first thinking about going to college, your brain created a new data network for the action of going to college.

The first bits that were written into the data network were based on the reasons why you wanted to go to college.

All of the information associated with you going to college generated emotions.

Your brain organizes all of the bits within this data network, into separate bit clusters based on the emotions generated.

You had a list of reasons to be excited, and another list of reasons that made you feel sad.

A burst of energy activating multiple bit clusters

When you opened up the envelope and discovered that you were accepted into university, a massive amount of energy activated inside of you.

This explosion of energy activated the entire data network, consisting of many conflicting bit clusters.

You are super excited to go, angry that one of your other friends wasn’t accepted, sad to leave your family, and overwhelmed at the thought of moving and having to rent a place in a new city.

This explosion of energy enabled you to see many different bit clusters at once and feel so many different emotions at the same time, generating tier three data to be written into your bits.

Tier three data is generated when looking at multiple bit clusters within a data network at the same time.

Coming back down

Later on, when your energy calms down, you can focus on just one bit cluster at a time.

  • You felt excited when you talked to your friend who is going with you.
  • You expressed your anger when you talked to your other friend that didn’t get accepted.
  • You felt sad when you talked with your family because you were going to miss them.
  • You felt overwhelmed as you looked at all the stuff in your room and searched online to find a place to live.

During these lower energy moments, your brain will only write tier one and two data since you are only focusing on one bit cluster at a time.

While in a lower energy state, you will lose access to the higher energy tier three data within your bits.

A quick review

Earlier, you learned that the standard level of human consciousness is at tier two.

When we get these energy spikes, our brain becomes excited and will temporarily activate a higher tier of data.

In this university example, the energy burst activated tier three data.

The energy we feel drops down from tier three to tier two as a result of the conflicting data.

The higher energy state is not sustainable due to the conflicts in information, causing instability.

In order to naturally increase your energy level, the conflicting information within the data network must either be deleted or resolved. 

Tier 4 Data: Collaborative Networks

Complexity organized with collaborative networks

Collaborative networks are created for complex things that your life revolves around, like a relationship, job or the most complex collaborative network, a business.

Your brain uses collaborative networks to organize large quantities of complex data.

To generate and access tier four data, you have to be looking at multiple data networks at the same time.

The connections and conflicts that you see between data networks is stored as tier four data. 

The family unit is a natural collaborative network that produces tier four data. 

For work, tier four data is typically only generated in people that manage complex projects or part of the executive team that overseas the business operations.

A collaborative network is made up of one primary network and many sub-networks.

For instance, you can think of your family as a primary network.

All of the people living in your home, as well as the objects within your home, are considered sub-networks.

The activities that you and your family members do in your home are also classified as sub-networks.

Primary networks

Primary networks are important as they command a lot of power over your life.

Your primary networks define your values during each phase of your life.

As you age, your primary networks typically change.

For instance,

  • When you are young, your parents and siblings are your primary networks.
  • When you are a teenager, your best friends and school are your primary networks.
  • When you are an adult, your career, spouse, and children become your primary networks.

A sport, hobby or specialized skillset can also be considered a primary network, based on how much you prioritize your life around it.

If you are an Olympic athlete, then your sport has been your primary network for almost your entire life.

Using levels to classify sub-networks

A primary network is classified as level 1. This would include your business or spouse.

Sub-networks are smaller data networks directly linked to one or more primary networks.

For instance, Your business (level 1), will be associated with many different sub-networks (level 2).

You will have level 2 sub-networks for each division of your business, such as marketing, customer support, product development, HR, and the executive team as a whole.

Then each level 2 sub-network will connect with even smaller level 3 sub-networks for the individual people, processes, software, data, etc… that are involved.

This is the mechanism your brain uses to organize multiple data networks within a collaborative network.

Primary and sub-network relationships​

Sub-networks are used by your brain to establish relationships between your data.

The health of a primary network such as your job, is also influenced by every level of sub-networks associated with it.

For instance, if you quit your job that you hated at your old company, and then got a new job at a new company, your brain will create a new primary network for the new job.

When you are in the new primary network it feels great, it’s clean with all new functional bits.

However, if your position entails the same skills and responsibilities as your previous job, you aren’t going to be happy.

As soon as you use those same skills at your new job, the associated sub-networks will transfer over to your new primary network, negatively affecting its health and functionality.

Within a few months, the health of the primary network for your new job can drop to a dysfunctional or even destructive state, depending on the health of the sub-networks.

Stress fractures

Unhealthy sub-networks cause stress fractures within your collaborative network.

When too many sub-networks are active at once, the conflicting data within them causes intense emotional stress and pressure.

For CEOs, their entire business is a massive collaborative network that can contain hundreds or thousands of sub-networks.

The more complex the business is, the faster unhealthy data will be written into your bits.

The compounding of unhealthy data in tier four bits, is the primary reason why CEOs struggle so badly with burnout.

Burnout is the result of your primary and sub-networks descending into dysfunctional and destructive states that can no longer produce functional bits.

Tier 5 Data: The Singularity

The Singularity - also known as Individual Reality

When you look at multiple collaborative networks at the same time, you will see new connections and conflicts between each major area of your life. 

This information is stored as tier five data within your bits. 

Each individual collaborative network can be thought of as a unique identity for who you are. 

The people you work with, don’t know the person you are when you hanging out with friends, or the person you are while at home cuddled up in bed with your spouse. 

Having several different personas that make up an individual’s whole self is normal. 

The instability of tier five data

Tier five data is the most unstable because of the amount of energy it requires to maintain it. 

As a result, tier five data is rare and circumstances that do generate a lot of tier five data usually end up in disaster. 

For instance, if you, your spouse and children all run a complex family business together with a bunch of employees, this will produce a lot of tier five data. 

When collaborative networks collide, the quantity of data that can conflict exponentially rises. 

These conflicts produce extreme amounts of stress and pressure that accelerate the collapse of your bits. 

In the corporate world, office romances are highly discouraged, because of the drama that is generated as the couple’s bits become destructive. 

Birth to Age 4

When you are born, to approximately age four, your memory operates as a singularity.

The majority of your data is stored in tier five bits.

As you age, you accumulate more data, causing the singularity network to divide.

The singularity network is divided into two main collaborative networks.

The first collaborative network has to do with what the child does for his/her self.

The second collaborative network is what the child will do for other people such as parents and siblings.

These two collaborative networks are often referred to as your personal and professional life when you are an adult.

As you age, these two collaborative networks will continue to sub-divide further as a result of unhealthy and conflicting data.


By using psychedelics, it’s possible to generate enough brain power to access previous tier five data, as well as write a lot of new tier five data.

The pure form of love that is associated with a psychedelic state occurs from your ability to connect back to data when you were a young child.

Psychedelics will also write a massive amount of data into the fifth tier of your bits.

When you come down from the high, the majority of the information you discovered fades away and you lose access to it.

This is a result of your brain no longer having enough brain power to access tier five data.

Corrupting singularity data

The tier four and tier five bits that were created when you were a young child, are used by your brain to ensure you are able to take care of your basic needs.

When using psychedelics, your brain will write new unhealthy data into these bits, permanently damaging them.

The loss of the self can occur as a result of this damage.

This shows up as a struggle when trying to manage basic human functionality, such as showering, keeping a scheduled routine, or completing basic tasks necessary for a job.

Resetting your brain

Psychedelics used for mental health issues use the term “Reset” when talking about the results.

When taking psychedelics the following occurs:

1. The drugs will target damaged bits.

2. You can see many new connections about your life and the information associated with the damaged bits.

3. The destructive bits are written with massive amounts of tier four and tier five data, causing them to merge into high energy destructive bits.

When you come down from the drug, you lose access to those destructive bits, since they now exist in a high energy state.

This is the process that occurs during the reset.

No trauma was removed or unhealthy data deleted. In fact, what happened is quite the opposite.

The amount of unhealthy data produced from the drug causes bits to collapse at an extremely accelerated rate. 

The high intensity pressure causes low energy destructive bits to merge together into a high energy state. 

Autoimmune disorders

Tier four or five high energy destructive bits have a massive amount of energy that can negatively affect your physical health.

When a low energy destructive bit becomes a high energy destructive bit, a mental health issue has been escalated into a physical health issue.

Autoimmune disorders, where your brain attacks your body, are the result of tier four and five destructive bits.

Tier five destructive bits are far more destructive than tier four destructive bits.

Childhood trauma

Childhood traumas that generate tier four or five destructive bits can also be devastating for a child.

Mental and physical health challenges that will last a lifetime, typically occur within the first ten years of a child’s life.

Autoimmune disorders and neurological disorders are the result of high energy destructive bits as a result of childhood trauma. 

Tier five damaged bits will inhibit cognitive development, making it difficult for the child to adjust to normal life.

Revitalizing your mental and physical health

The life cycle of a bit cannot be reversed. 

Once the bit becomes dysfunctional or destructive, it’s considered permanently damaged. 

However, the health of a data network can be restored back to a healthy and functional state by deleting dysfunctional and destructive bits using consciousness software. 

Deleting Bits with Consciousness Software

Increasing the brain power for a data network can be accomplished by deleting dysfunctional and destructive bits. 

Consciousness software can delete up to six types of bits that are reducing the brain power in every data network. 

By deleting these bits, the available brain power within the data network will increase, restoring it back to a functional state. 

Deleting high energy destructive bits

As you restore the health of your primary data networks, your brain will automatically begin reconnecting the sub-networks. 

This process will revitalize your collaborative networks, raising your consciousness up to access tier four data. 

This will enable you to access and delete tier four destructive bits. 

The same process will also provide access to tier five destructing bits as multiple collaborative networks reach healthier states. 

What does memory editing actually do?

By automating the memory editing process, you can free up massive amounts of brain power. 

Brain power is the energy within a bit that enables you to use your information. 

When you run out of brain power, your life becomes a struggle. 

To learn how brain power relates to your daily life, click the link below.